The package includes: TE-2 smoke machine Sample mixing and dilution chamber TSP sampling pump Dry Test Meter In-line filter holder High flow diaphragm pump Metering orifice flow meter
Author Archives: lmwst36
TE-2 Smoking Exposure System Package
The package includes: TE-2 machine 1 to 2 cage exposure chamber High pressure fan Activated charcoal filter Air compressor Spare air pump for TE-2 Timed sampling unit Dry gas meter Puff checker Filter holder unit
Rat Exposure Chamber System Package
The package includes: TE-10 smoking machine Hood unit Mixing cyclone. Filter and blower with ducting Air compressor Two rat exposure chambers. 28 X 24 X 24 Cart for exposure chambers Orifice meters and controls Filter sampling unit with filter holder Dry gas meter Puff checker Calibration of system for TSP, CO, Nicotine Size and Number …
Mouse Smoking System Package
The Package includes: TE-10 smoking machine Hood unit Mixing cyclone Filter and blower with ducting Air compressor. Two mouse exposure chambers. (28 x 19 X 15) Cart for exposure chambers Orifice meters and controls Filter sampling unit with filter holder Dry gas meter Puff checker Calibration of system for TSP, CO, Nicotine, Size & Number …
TE-10 Smoking Machine
The TE-10 is a microprocessor-controlled cigarette smoking machine that produces either side-stream or mainstream smoke (or a combination of the two) from filtered research cigarettes (non-filtered or standard size cigarettes smoking machines can be manufactured by special order).
TE-2 & TE-2E Smoking Machine
The TE-2 & TE-2E is a cigarette smoking machine requiring manual placement of cigarette or e-cigarette, that produces either side-stream or mainstream smoke (or a combination of the two) from cigarettes.
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